CVE Database

Countering Violent Extremism Globally:

This dataset provides a comprehensive overview of global CVE initiatives using information obtained from the U.S. State Department’s Annual Reports on Terrorism. For an overview of the dataset please see, “Countering Violent Extremism Globally” (Perspectives on Terrorism). You can find the codebook here. Please email me directly for the data.

Other data resources:

Link to CVE Story Map:

Excel spreadsheet that corresponds to the Story Map:

CVE Programs

The Story Map:

As you scroll through the story map, you will see a country overview on the left of the screen and the map and corresponding “points” to your right. CVE programs are defined at the city level on the interactive map.

The user is able to click on each point to learn more information about CVE programs within a given city. A pop-up window will display with this information when the point is clicked on. Some cities have more than one program, which is indicated when a right arrow displays in the pop-up window in the upper right-hand corner of the window.

Directions for contributing to this database:

In this database, the creator (Caitlin Ambrozik) has already gathered information from the CVE literature and publicly available information regarding CVE. However, the creator realizes that many other programs exist. Subsequently, if you know of a CVE related program that is not already featured in this database, please email the creator with the following information:

-Program Name

-Location information with geographic coordinates if available to be featured in the story map

-Relation to CVE

-Source of information including any websites associated with the program or academic readings that cover the program

-Contributor name (if you would like your name to appear in the attribute field associated with the information you provided)

-any more information that may be relevant

Please send this information to:

cem324 (at)